April 2023: Datos Abiertos Tenerife replaces Tenerife Data portal
On April 12, the old Tenerife Data portal, the place where the Cabildo had been publishing its open data, gave way to this new Open Data portal of the Cabildo of Tenerife, with an expansion of its functionalities and an increase of the available data. This will be configured as the common access point through which to consult, download and reuse the open data of the Cabildo of Tenerife, its Public Sector and other local administrations of Tenerife.
The publication of the portal has been a milestone at the island level, so the corresponding communication actions have been designed and developed to disseminate the initiative. In addition to the publications made in the official social networks of the Cabildo, a press release has also been sent, which has been echoed by different media of the island.
Another milestone to highlight during this month has been the federation with the Open Data Portal of the Government of the Canary Islands, datos.canarias.es, which manages the open data catalog of the entire Canary Islands, and with the national open data portal, datos.gob. The federation makes it possible for the data published in the Open Data portal of the Cabildo of Tenerife to also be available in these other portals, which increases their visibility and possibilities of reuse.
Finally, we would like to highlight the Cabildo's decisive commitment to the reuse of data. During the month of April we have been working on the opening of new datasets that will soon be available on the portal. Do not miss our News section where we will announce all the new openings.